Grenskwestie Suriname Guyana.

2 minuuts, 6 tweedes Lees

Het is goed te zien dat ook andere politieke organisaties aan de bel trekken aangaande de grenskwestie met Guyana. Wij hebben dat consequent gedaan en ook internationaal onze stem laten horen, zoals de brief hieronder naar de ICJ. In een van onze voorzitter haar recente interviews gaf zij ook aan dat hoewel de grenskwestie een vast agenda punt was binnen de CARICOM. opgebracht door de Surinaamse regering, was vanaf Suriname haar toetreding, het gebleken is dat de regeringen van de afgelopen 10 jaar dat hebben laten varen. Zij plaatsen het dus niet meer op agenda. Er is dus inderdaad reden tot zorg. Wij juichen het toe dat steeds meer burgers en politieke organisaties onderschrijven dat dit niet kan.

Hieronder de brief naar ICJ:

Ref.Nr.: DA91/aadc/015-2023

The President of the International Court of Justice

H.E. Judge J. Donoghue

Carnegieplein 2

2517 KJ The Hague, The Netherlands

Subject: Arbitral Award of October 3rd , 1899 ( Guyana v. Venezuela)

Republic of Suriname, 30th November 2023

Your Excellency, Dear Judge Donoghue,

We are the Democratic Alternative91, a political organisation in the Republic of Suriname. This letter, representing not only our party but also a significant portion of the citizens of the Republic of Suriname, addresses a matter of critical importance.

The ongoing ICJ case involving Guyana vs. Venezuela has captured our attention, particularly the proceedings on November 14 and 15 of this year. Guyana’s presentation, featuring a map that includes a portion of our territory known as “Tigri,” has raised serious concerns.

We are very well aware of the border dispute discussions between our countries’ commissions, and that is why Guyana’s portrayal of ‘Tigri’ (New River Triangle) as their own territory is both astonishing and deeply regrettable. We vehemently object to accepting this map as a legal representation of Guyana’s borders with Suriname.

Your Excellency, we are outraged by this misrepresentation and urge the International Court of Justice to officially acknowledge our protest. We appeal to the court to discard the mentioned map as supporting evidence for Guyana’s claims.

The citizens of Suriname greatly value the resolution of this matter in accordance with international law. For this reason, the citizens of Suriname are committed to resolving the border dispute in a responsible and respectful manner according to International Legal Norms.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours Sincerely,

Angelic del Castilho, MA. BSc.


Encl.: Picture of map as presented by the Republic of Guyana

Onderstaand de link naar het artiekel in Dagblad Suriname

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